At the beginning of a New Year I usually set myself some goals, If I reach these goals then I reward myself. If I don’t reach them well then no goodies for me. This harks back to when I was a child…discipline ruled. Naturally, I didn’t like it at the time but in most things there’s always some good that one can extract.
The main goal I had for 2013 was to speak at BSides London on the Rookie Track, achievement unlocked! This led on to me being invited out to Oslo by Kai Roer (@kairoer) to speak at the CSA Annual chapter meeting. More info on these below.
Somewhere along the line I noticed I had been included on Tripwire’s Infosec’s Rising Stars and Hidden Gems series. God only knows how I ended up on there but flattering nonetheless. Cheers to Anthony Freed (@anthonymfreed) at Tripwire.
To my surprise in December Information Security Buzz contacted me via Twitter and asked if I’d like to write for them, so as of January 2014 I shall be a contributing blogger.
If anyone is actually reading this ramble you’re probably thinking “so what’s the goal for 2014 Mo”…to that I say ask me 😉
All in all 2013 hasn’t been too bad a year, I’m looking forward to 2014!
Thank you to all who gave feedback, mentored and inspired.