I was invited to be a panel member at DTX London 2024 alongside Robin Bylenga with Alexei Hnatiw moderating. We covered: How can integrating a cyber champions program along with security awareness program help foster a security-first mindset across all levels of an organisation? What are the human factors to consider when creating a cyber […]
BSides London 2023
I was planning to present my talk “Awareness, behaviour, culture, human risk management, people-centred security blah blah blah – What even are these!?! Have we evolved or we are stuck with the status-quo?” Unfortunately, I was unwell and couldn’t make it. To say I was gutted is an understatement as I have much love for […]
SANS European Security Awareness Summit
Last week, I had the privilege of presenting along Denise Beardon (Head of Information Security Engagement at Pinsent Masons) at the SANS European Security Awareness Summit. Towards the end of 2017 Christian Toon (CISO at Pinsent Masons) asked if I could come onboard as an interim consultant to kick-start their information security engagement stream of work whilst he was […]
The Security Culture Conference 2016
A couple of weeks ago I was back in beautiful Oslo (One of my favourite cities – I could definitely live there!) for the Security Culture Conference. Last year we had around 25 people for the inaugural conference which was held on an island just outside the city – see my write up on that here. This […]
SteelCon 2015
Last week I presented my “Popping the Bubble” talk at Steel Con – The North’s Premier Hacker Con – https://www.steelcon.info/ – I think it went down quite well and there was some spirited discussion after the talk. Robin (@digininja) and the crew put on a great conference at an amazing price of only £20 – The goodie […]
The Security Culture Conference 2015
So the Security Culture conference happened! On an Island…no really…it was on an island…look… The journey there took about twenty minutes on a ferry and a small boat to get to the island called Lille Herbern. The venue was actually a restaurant – the only one on the island. The day began with Roar Thon’s […]
Bring The Lightning!
It’s back! BSides London is back and this year along with a couple of ex-rookie speakers from 2013 – Anne Wood (@fairycakepixie) and Diarmaid McManus (@MadcapOcelot) as well as Glyn Wintle (@glynwintle) I’m running the Lightning Track. What’s the Lightning Track you ask? Well it’s the unscheduled track – No CfP and no pre-registration. So if you […]
I have an air conditioned room with leather seats…
Who was I kidding the Tube strike wasn’t going to be cancelled! I woke up grumbling like Muttley and made my way across London town. Once I’d picked up my pass I headed upstairs and although I’d seen the Council Chamber the day before (aka swag bag pack day) when I walked in on Tuesday I was […]
Good times in Oslo
So most of last week I was in Olso, Norway and without my mittens. Ok I really need to let go of this mitten thing. I don’t even own any. I just like the sound of the word…mmmiiittens, hmmm anyway I digress. I finally met Kai and his business partner Lars who is also a […]
Off to Oslo!
Although I had planned to submit to a CFP somewhere (namely, to the full track at BSides London for 2014) after my BSides London Rookie Track talk, I hadn’t anticipated on getting invited to speak at an event. So I was quite flattered when Kai Roer (@kairoer / roer.com) asked me if I’d like to […]