Who was I kidding the Tube strike wasn’t going to be cancelled! I woke up grumbling like Muttley and made my way across London town.
Once I’d picked up my pass I headed upstairs and although I’d seen the Council Chamber the day before (aka swag bag pack day) when I walked in on Tuesday I was a bit worried. Such a cool room shouldn’t really be bereft of people. With the Lightning Track being an on-the-day event it could have ended badly.
However, the four of us; Anne Wood (@fairycakepixie), Glyn Wintle (@glynwintle) and Diarmaid McManus (@hacors) with lots of wrangling and using the line:
...”you see I have an air conditioned room with leather seats” …managed to keep the room respectably full. Thanks to Glyn for suggesting that line 🙂
We had talks from Arron Finnon (@f1nux), Matt Summers (@dive_monkey) and at 2pm we had the Women in Security (@womeninsecurity) panel at which @treyford was kind enough to get involved.
We even had an underground talk, a talk about locking picking and one from Kevin Breen (@kevthehermit) on extracting IOC’s from RAT’s.
The final talk was given by Paul Batson (@lazysecurity) who still had the energy to get up and deliver a talk, kudos!
At the end of the day (when I actually remembered) the lightning shortbread biccies flew out of my hands! After the clean up we all headed to the MWR after party, where a much needed drink was had by all. Thank you MWR.
Being part of the crew you don’t really get to see any of the talks but what you do get is a sense of achievement. That you participated. That you helped to make it happen.
The other part of the event is catching up with people you’ve met before and actually meeting those you’ve been conversing with virtually – To those I met for the first time, it was a pleasure 🙂
Massive thanks to Paul (@lazysecurity) and Thomas (@fvt) for being tireless in making the event a success and to all my fellow crew members.
I’m already looking forward to BSides London 2015!